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black bile, yellow bile, phlegm & blood

10/02/17: the four humors


Exploring materiality through objects, colour and texture 


- the four humors

using galen's theory of medicine which became one of the first t methods of diagnosis for illnesses caused by an excess or lack of, body fluids. It allows me to engage with a range of materials, looking for appropriate colours and textures. in this experiment i used the following:

black bile - marmite, water

yellow bile - golden syrup porridge oats, water, oil

phlegm - coarse, dried honey

blood - red wine


want to go further and explore different textures, smells as some like marmite proved to familiar to be convincing 


they correspond to the four elements of earth, water, air and fire and temperature levels cold hot moist and dry.  

my focus will be on phlegm in particular as its corresponding organ is the brain. Hydrocephalus, the chronic medical condition that I have, is also known as 'water on the brain'.

17/02/17: experimenting and performance fragments

Challenged with forming ideas into 3 separate performance fragments 

- making of thee shunt system

- exploring one to one performance 

- using the work on the humors working with fluid 

getting feedback what points were given to look at

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